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Put a Poem on It

Hello! Guess what, it’s a two announcement day.

Last Friday, the latest issue of Impostor went live, and happens to have one of my poems in it. It’s an anxiety poem about publishing deeply personal writing when you know that people who know you are going to read it. 

I wrote it immediately after writing another recent poem of mine, “Michael must be a Libra which makes us fundamentally incompatible,” which was published last month in Acropolis Journal. It’s fitting that these two were picked up in such proximity, given the space in which they were written and the way they’re linked. If you wanna feel the headspace I was in at the time, go read “Michael must be a Libra” first, then pop over to Impostor for “mom if you see this keep scrolling.”

Part two of this announcement double header is that today two other pieces went up at The Erozine. True to the name of the mag, one is a poem about getting off and one is a series of 3-4 haiku about sex and food. (look I have exactly two modes and those are sad and horny)

These were a lot of fun to write, so go check them out!

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